Library Drives

Allowed HTTP methods

Method Description
GET get / list object/s


See RFC 2616 for more details on HTTP methods semantics


GET /libdrives/

Gets the list of library drives to which the authenticated user has access.

param fields:A set of field names specifying the returned fields
statuscode 200:no error

Example request:

GET /api/2.0/libdrives/?limit=5 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic SWYgeW91IGZvdW5kIHRoaXMsIGhhdmUgYSBjb29raWUsIHlvdSBkZXNlcnZlIGl0IDop

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "meta": {
        "limit": 5,
        "offset": 0,
        "total_count": 4
    "objects": [
            "affinities": [],
            "allow_multimount": false,
            "arch": "32",
            "category": [
            "description": "Please refer to the install notes for a full guide to initial configuration.",
            "favourite": false,
            "image_type": "preinst",
            "install_notes": "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"a\");</script>***You must update the default Administrator password for Windows Server Standard 2003***\\n\\nPre-installed Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English on 08/10/2010\\n==========================================================\\n\\n1. Connecting to your server via VNC\\n--------------------------------------------------\\n\\na) Having installed a compatible VNC client, open a VNC connection to your server.\\n\\nb) Enter your IP address and VNC password as displayed on your Server Summary Window.\\n\\nc) Start to configure your server.\\n\\n\\n2. Minimum Hardware Requirements\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe recommended minimum hardware requirements as publishes by Microsoft can be found through \\n\\nthe following link:\\n\\n\\n\\nWe recommend specifying a higher level of RAM for a better user experience.\\n\\n\\n3. Update your administrator password\\n-----------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe default administrator password is set to: CloudSigma1\\n\\nPlease CHANGE this IMMEDIATELY after first logging on.\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; | &quot;Computer Management&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System Tools&quot; | &quot;Local Users and Groups&quot; | &quot;Users&quot;\\n\\nc) Right click on &quot;Administrator&quot; and select &quot;Set Password&quot;\\n\\nd) Enter a new administrative password\\n\\nProceed to select Users and Groups according to your Domain policies.\\n\\n4. Configuring your Networking\\n------------------------------------------\\n\\na) IP networking can be left as DHCP. Even if you are using a static IP address with this server our management layer will apply the same IP address via DHCP. Using DHCP ensures you will have no issues receiving the correct networking settings. We recommend using DHCP initially if only to receive all the correct networking settings.\\n\\nb) CloudSigma employs an open networking infrastructure. All ports are open for inbound and outbound traffic with the exception of port 25 (SMTP) which is blocked for trial users. It is important that you secure access to your server according to your needs.\\n\\n\\n5. Expanding your drive\\n--------------------------------\\n\\nThe system is fully installed, but you will need to extend the disk partition to cover the whole of your drive. To do this:\\n\\na) Open the &quot;Computer Management&quot; tool from &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; on the &quot;Start&quot; menu.\\n\\nb) Select &quot;Storage&quot; then &quot;Disk Management&quot; in the left hand pane.\\n\\nc) Right-click on the &quot;Unallocated&quot; partition volume and select &quot;New Partition&quot;.\\n\\nd) This will start the &quot;New Partition Wizard&quot;. For the purposes of these instructions we will extend the existing partition.\\n\\ne) Select &quot;Primary Partition&quot; and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nf) Select the maximum &quot;Partition size in MB&quot; you require or leave the default value. Click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\ng) Assign a drive letter, and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nh) Enter your Format Partition values including the &quot;File System&quot; type, &quot;Allocation unit size&quot; \\n\\nand a &quot;Volume label&quot;. We recommend leaving the default value for the File System format and the Allocation unit size. Click &quot;Next&quot; to continue.\\n\\ni) click Finish to complete the process. The new volume will now be formatted and setup.\\n\\nYou may also use third party tools to create and manage your partitions.\\n\\n\\n6. Enabling Remote Access\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\nAfter logging in to VNC for the first time to configure your new Windows server, we recommend \\nthat if you are logging in from a Windows Desktop that you enable Remote Desktop for better access performance. To do this, follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System&quot; and select the &quot;Remote&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Enable the &quot;Allow users to connect remotely to this computer&quot; under the &quot;System&quot; checkbox\\n\\n\\n7. Pinging Service\\n-------------------------\\n\\nThe Pinging service has been turned on by default, if you wish to disable it please follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot; | &quot;Windows Firewall&quot;\\n\\nb) Select the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Click on the &quot;Settings&quot; button under the &quot;ICMP&quot; section\\n\\nd) Unselect &quot;Allow incoming echo request&quot; checkbox\\n\\ne) Press &quot;OK&quot; to return to the Windows Firewall, and press &quot;OK&quot; again to finalise the change\\n",
            "jobs": [],
            "licenses": [
                    "amount": 1,
                    "license": {
                        "burstable": false,
                        "long_name": "Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008",
                        "name": "msft_lwa_00135",
                        "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/licenses/12/",
                        "type": "instance",
                        "user_metric": ""
                    "user": null
            "media": "disk",
            "meta": {},
            "mounted_on": [],
            "name": "Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English Preinstalled System",
            "os": "windows",
            "owner": null,
            "paid": true,
            "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/",
            "size": 13958643712,
            "status": "unmounted",
            "storage_type": null,
            "tags": [],
            "url": "",
            "uuid": "2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab"
            "affinities": [],
            "allow_multimount": false,
            "arch": "64",
            "category": [
            "description": "",
            "favourite": false,
            "image_type": "preinst",
            "install_notes": "",
            "jobs": [],
            "licenses": [],
            "media": "disk",
            "meta": {},
            "mounted_on": [],
            "name": "atom_for_lib",
            "os": "linux",
            "owner": null,
            "paid": false,
            "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/5489a781-e848-4005-95e0-01fdb2495036/",
            "size": 11811160064,
            "status": "unmounted",
            "storage_type": null,
            "tags": [],
            "url": "",
            "uuid": "5489a781-e848-4005-95e0-01fdb2495036"
            "affinities": [],
            "allow_multimount": false,
            "arch": "32",
            "category": [
            "description": "",
            "favourite": false,
            "image_type": "install",
            "install_notes": "",
            "jobs": [],
            "licenses": [],
            "media": "cdrom",
            "meta": {},
            "mounted_on": [],
            "name": "Test CD-ROM",
            "os": "linux",
            "owner": null,
            "paid": false,
            "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/1365488f-e767-46fd-9d0b-820314dd6782/",
            "size": 1073741824,
            "status": "unmounted",
            "storage_type": null,
            "tags": [],
            "url": "",
            "uuid": "1365488f-e767-46fd-9d0b-820314dd6782"
            "affinities": [],
            "allow_multimount": false,
            "arch": "32",
            "category": [
            "description": "This is an empty test drive",
            "favourite": false,
            "image_type": "preinst",
            "install_notes": "",
            "jobs": [],
            "licenses": [],
            "media": "disk",
            "meta": {},
            "mounted_on": [],
            "name": "Test library drive",
            "os": "other",
            "owner": null,
            "paid": false,
            "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/e52158ef-d2af-4732-8367-896f23b77cec/",
            "size": 8589934592,
            "status": "unmounted",
            "storage_type": null,
            "tags": [],
            "url": "",
            "uuid": "e52158ef-d2af-4732-8367-896f23b77cec"

Detailed listing


For consistency, we left /libdrives/detail/ url enabled, but it returns the same level of detail as the list call.

List single drive

GET /libdrives/{uuid}/

Gets detailed information for library drive identified by uuid.

statuscode 200:no error

Example request:

GET /api/2.0/libdrives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic SWYgeW91IGZvdW5kIHRoaXMsIGhhdmUgYSBjb29raWUsIHlvdSBkZXNlcnZlIGl0IDop

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "affinities": [],
    "allow_multimount": false,
    "arch": "32",
    "category": [
    "description": "Please refer to the install notes for a full guide to initial configuration.",
    "favourite": false,
    "image_type": "preinst",
    "install_notes": "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"a\");</script>***You must update the default Administrator password for Windows Server Standard 2003***\\n\\nPre-installed Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English on 08/10/2010\\n==========================================================\\n\\n1. Connecting to your server via VNC\\n--------------------------------------------------\\n\\na) Having installed a compatible VNC client, open a VNC connection to your server.\\n\\nb) Enter your IP address and VNC password as displayed on your Server Summary Window.\\n\\nc) Start to configure your server.\\n\\n\\n2. Minimum Hardware Requirements\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe recommended minimum hardware requirements as publishes by Microsoft can be found through \\n\\nthe following link:\\n\\n\\n\\nWe recommend specifying a higher level of RAM for a better user experience.\\n\\n\\n3. Update your administrator password\\n-----------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe default administrator password is set to: CloudSigma1\\n\\nPlease CHANGE this IMMEDIATELY after first logging on.\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; | &quot;Computer Management&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System Tools&quot; | &quot;Local Users and Groups&quot; | &quot;Users&quot;\\n\\nc) Right click on &quot;Administrator&quot; and select &quot;Set Password&quot;\\n\\nd) Enter a new administrative password\\n\\nProceed to select Users and Groups according to your Domain policies.\\n\\n4. Configuring your Networking\\n------------------------------------------\\n\\na) IP networking can be left as DHCP. Even if you are using a static IP address with this server our management layer will apply the same IP address via DHCP. Using DHCP ensures you will have no issues receiving the correct networking settings. We recommend using DHCP initially if only to receive all the correct networking settings.\\n\\nb) CloudSigma employs an open networking infrastructure. All ports are open for inbound and outbound traffic with the exception of port 25 (SMTP) which is blocked for trial users. It is important that you secure access to your server according to your needs.\\n\\n\\n5. Expanding your drive\\n--------------------------------\\n\\nThe system is fully installed, but you will need to extend the disk partition to cover the whole of your drive. To do this:\\n\\na) Open the &quot;Computer Management&quot; tool from &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; on the &quot;Start&quot; menu.\\n\\nb) Select &quot;Storage&quot; then &quot;Disk Management&quot; in the left hand pane.\\n\\nc) Right-click on the &quot;Unallocated&quot; partition volume and select &quot;New Partition&quot;.\\n\\nd) This will start the &quot;New Partition Wizard&quot;. For the purposes of these instructions we will extend the existing partition.\\n\\ne) Select &quot;Primary Partition&quot; and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nf) Select the maximum &quot;Partition size in MB&quot; you require or leave the default value. Click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\ng) Assign a drive letter, and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nh) Enter your Format Partition values including the &quot;File System&quot; type, &quot;Allocation unit size&quot; \\n\\nand a &quot;Volume label&quot;. We recommend leaving the default value for the File System format and the Allocation unit size. Click &quot;Next&quot; to continue.\\n\\ni) click Finish to complete the process. The new volume will now be formatted and setup.\\n\\nYou may also use third party tools to create and manage your partitions.\\n\\n\\n6. Enabling Remote Access\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\nAfter logging in to VNC for the first time to configure your new Windows server, we recommend \\nthat if you are logging in from a Windows Desktop that you enable Remote Desktop for better access performance. To do this, follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System&quot; and select the &quot;Remote&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Enable the &quot;Allow users to connect remotely to this computer&quot; under the &quot;System&quot; checkbox\\n\\n\\n7. Pinging Service\\n-------------------------\\n\\nThe Pinging service has been turned on by default, if you wish to disable it please follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot; | &quot;Windows Firewall&quot;\\n\\nb) Select the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Click on the &quot;Settings&quot; button under the &quot;ICMP&quot; section\\n\\nd) Unselect &quot;Allow incoming echo request&quot; checkbox\\n\\ne) Press &quot;OK&quot; to return to the Windows Firewall, and press &quot;OK&quot; again to finalise the change\\n",
    "jobs": [],
    "licenses": [
            "amount": 1,
            "license": {
                "burstable": false,
                "long_name": "Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008",
                "name": "msft_lwa_00135",
                "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/licenses/12/",
                "type": "instance",
                "user_metric": ""
            "user": null
    "media": "disk",
    "meta": {},
    "mounted_on": [],
    "name": "Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English Preinstalled System",
    "os": "windows",
    "owner": null,
    "paid": true,
    "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/",
    "size": 13958643712,
    "status": "unmounted",
    "storage_type": null,
    "tags": [],
    "url": "",
    "uuid": "2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab"

Attaching library drive

If the library drive is a CDROM media, you can attach it directly to an owned server the same way you attach a regular drive - specifying the library drive uuid.

Cloning library drive

POST /libdrives/{uuid}/action/?do=clone

If a library drive is not a CDROM, you have to clone it in your account in order to use it. You can clone a library drive the same way you clone a regular drive.

Licensed drive images

Some drives in the library may require additional subscriptions or payment to be used. This is visible from the licenses field in the drive definition. When you clone such image from drives library to your account, the licenses remain bound to the cloned drive and can’t be altered upon drive edit. See also Licenses list regarding how to list all defined licenses.

Recognizing library drives

Note that library drives can be queried through regular drives API using /drives/{uuid}/. If the drive uuid happens to be the uuid of a library drive, the drive defintion will be retrieved. In order to differentiate between owned and library drive, one can check the owner attribute, which is null for library drives.

It is possible to get a library drive through the drives API, because there isn’t a way to know in advance whether an attached drive in a server definition is owned by the user or one from library.

Library drives are not listed in the list and detailed list for ordinary drives.


Get the drive from /drives/{uuid}/:

GET /api/2.0/drives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic SWYgeW91IGZvdW5kIHRoaXMsIGhhdmUgYSBjb29raWUsIHlvdSBkZXNlcnZlIGl0IDop
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "affinities": [],
    "allow_multimount": false,
    "jobs": [],
    "licenses": [
            "amount": 1,
            "license": {
                "burstable": false,
                "long_name": "Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008",
                "name": "msft_lwa_00135",
                "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/licenses/12/",
                "type": "instance",
                "user_metric": ""
            "user": null
    "media": "disk",
    "meta": {},
    "mounted_on": [],
    "name": "Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English Preinstalled System",
    "owner": null,
    "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/drives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/",
    "runtime": {
        "is_snapshotable": false,
        "snapshots_allocated_size": 0,
        "storage_type": "dssd"
    "size": 13958643712,
    "snapshots": [],
    "status": "unmounted",
    "storage_type": "dssd",
    "tags": [],
    "uuid": "2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab"

Notice that there is no owner (it is null).

Get the same drive from /libdrives/{uuid}/:

GET /api/2.0/libdrives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic SWYgeW91IGZvdW5kIHRoaXMsIGhhdmUgYSBjb29raWUsIHlvdSBkZXNlcnZlIGl0IDop
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "affinities": [],
    "allow_multimount": false,
    "arch": "32",
    "category": [
    "description": "Please refer to the install notes for a full guide to initial configuration.",
    "favourite": false,
    "image_type": "preinst",
    "install_notes": "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"a\");</script>***You must update the default Administrator password for Windows Server Standard 2003***\\n\\nPre-installed Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English on 08/10/2010\\n==========================================================\\n\\n1. Connecting to your server via VNC\\n--------------------------------------------------\\n\\na) Having installed a compatible VNC client, open a VNC connection to your server.\\n\\nb) Enter your IP address and VNC password as displayed on your Server Summary Window.\\n\\nc) Start to configure your server.\\n\\n\\n2. Minimum Hardware Requirements\\n---------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe recommended minimum hardware requirements as publishes by Microsoft can be found through \\n\\nthe following link:\\n\\n\\n\\nWe recommend specifying a higher level of RAM for a better user experience.\\n\\n\\n3. Update your administrator password\\n-----------------------------------------------------\\n\\nThe default administrator password is set to: CloudSigma1\\n\\nPlease CHANGE this IMMEDIATELY after first logging on.\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; | &quot;Computer Management&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System Tools&quot; | &quot;Local Users and Groups&quot; | &quot;Users&quot;\\n\\nc) Right click on &quot;Administrator&quot; and select &quot;Set Password&quot;\\n\\nd) Enter a new administrative password\\n\\nProceed to select Users and Groups according to your Domain policies.\\n\\n4. Configuring your Networking\\n------------------------------------------\\n\\na) IP networking can be left as DHCP. Even if you are using a static IP address with this server our management layer will apply the same IP address via DHCP. Using DHCP ensures you will have no issues receiving the correct networking settings. We recommend using DHCP initially if only to receive all the correct networking settings.\\n\\nb) CloudSigma employs an open networking infrastructure. All ports are open for inbound and outbound traffic with the exception of port 25 (SMTP) which is blocked for trial users. It is important that you secure access to your server according to your needs.\\n\\n\\n5. Expanding your drive\\n--------------------------------\\n\\nThe system is fully installed, but you will need to extend the disk partition to cover the whole of your drive. To do this:\\n\\na) Open the &quot;Computer Management&quot; tool from &quot;Administrative Tools&quot; on the &quot;Start&quot; menu.\\n\\nb) Select &quot;Storage&quot; then &quot;Disk Management&quot; in the left hand pane.\\n\\nc) Right-click on the &quot;Unallocated&quot; partition volume and select &quot;New Partition&quot;.\\n\\nd) This will start the &quot;New Partition Wizard&quot;. For the purposes of these instructions we will extend the existing partition.\\n\\ne) Select &quot;Primary Partition&quot; and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nf) Select the maximum &quot;Partition size in MB&quot; you require or leave the default value. Click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\ng) Assign a drive letter, and click &quot;Next&quot;.\\n\\nh) Enter your Format Partition values including the &quot;File System&quot; type, &quot;Allocation unit size&quot; \\n\\nand a &quot;Volume label&quot;. We recommend leaving the default value for the File System format and the Allocation unit size. Click &quot;Next&quot; to continue.\\n\\ni) click Finish to complete the process. The new volume will now be formatted and setup.\\n\\nYou may also use third party tools to create and manage your partitions.\\n\\n\\n6. Enabling Remote Access\\n--------------------------------------\\n\\nAfter logging in to VNC for the first time to configure your new Windows server, we recommend \\nthat if you are logging in from a Windows Desktop that you enable Remote Desktop for better access performance. To do this, follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot;\\n\\nb) Select &quot;System&quot; and select the &quot;Remote&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Enable the &quot;Allow users to connect remotely to this computer&quot; under the &quot;System&quot; checkbox\\n\\n\\n7. Pinging Service\\n-------------------------\\n\\nThe Pinging service has been turned on by default, if you wish to disable it please follow these instructions:\\n\\na) Select &quot;Start&quot; | &quot;Applications&quot; | &quot;Control Panel&quot; | &quot;Windows Firewall&quot;\\n\\nb) Select the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab\\n\\nc) Click on the &quot;Settings&quot; button under the &quot;ICMP&quot; section\\n\\nd) Unselect &quot;Allow incoming echo request&quot; checkbox\\n\\ne) Press &quot;OK&quot; to return to the Windows Firewall, and press &quot;OK&quot; again to finalise the change\\n",
    "jobs": [],
    "licenses": [
            "amount": 1,
            "license": {
                "burstable": false,
                "long_name": "Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008",
                "name": "msft_lwa_00135",
                "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/licenses/12/",
                "type": "instance",
                "user_metric": ""
            "user": null
    "media": "disk",
    "meta": {},
    "mounted_on": [],
    "name": "Windows Server 2003 Standard 32bit English Preinstalled System",
    "os": "windows",
    "owner": null,
    "paid": true,
    "resource_uri": "/api/2.0/libdrives/2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab/",
    "size": 13958643712,
    "status": "unmounted",
    "storage_type": null,
    "tags": [],
    "url": "",
    "uuid": "2031d0ac-33e5-41a8-ae47-aeac8d6a14ab"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "allowed_detail_http_methods": [
    "allowed_list_http_methods": [
    "default_format": "application/json",
    "default_limit": 20,
    "fields": {
        "affinities": {
            "choices": [
            "default": [],
            "help_text": "A list of affinities this drive should belong to",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "list"
        "allow_multimount": {
            "default": false,
            "help_text": "Allow the drive to be mounted on multiple guests. Not taken into account when drive is cdrom.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "boolean"
        "arch": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Operating system bit architecture the drive.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "category": {
            "default": [],
            "help_text": "Category of the drive.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "list"
        "description": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Description of drive image.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "string"
        "favourite": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Favourite drive image for user.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "image_type": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Type of drive image.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "install_notes": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Install notes for the drive image.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "string"
        "jobs": {
            "default": "No default provided.",
            "help_text": "Background jobs related to this resource",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": true,
            "type": "related"
        "licenses": {
            "default": [],
            "fields": {
                "amount": {
                    "default": 1,
                    "help_text": "Number of licenses",
                    "readonly": false,
                    "required": false,
                    "type": "integer"
                "license": {
                    "default": "No default provided.",
                    "help_text": "A single related resource. Can be either a URI or set of nested resource data.",
                    "readonly": false,
                    "required": true,
                    "type": "related"
                "user": {
                    "default": null,
                    "help_text": "Owner of the license",
                    "readonly": false,
                    "required": false,
                    "type": "related"
            "help_text": "A list of licenses attached to this drive",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "related"
        "media": {
            "choices": [
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Media representation type",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "meta": {
            "default": {},
            "help_text": "User defined meta information",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "dict"
        "mounted_on": {
            "default": "No default provided.",
            "help_text": "Servers on which this drive is mounted on",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": false,
            "type": "related"
        "name": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Human readable name of the drive",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "os": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Operating system of the drive.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Owner of the drive",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": false,
            "type": "related"
        "paid": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Paid or free.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "resource_uri": {
            "default": "No default provided.",
            "help_text": "Unicode string data. Ex: \"Hello World\"",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "size": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Size of the drive in bytes",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "status": {
            "default": "No default provided.",
            "help_text": "Status of the drive.",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "storage_type": {
            "default": "No default provided.",
            "help_text": "Underlying storage",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"
        "tags": {
            "default": [],
            "help_text": "Tags associated with this drive",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "list"
        "url": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "Operating system bit architecture the drive.",
            "readonly": false,
            "required": false,
            "type": "string"
        "uuid": {
            "default": null,
            "help_text": "UUID of the drive",
            "readonly": true,
            "required": true,
            "type": "string"