
Allowed HTTP methods

Method Description
GET get the capabilities object


See RFC 2616 for more details on HTTP methods semantics

The capabilities API call is used to gather all the basic, sensible limits of the API, to prevent applying static limits inside the client application.

Bare in mind, that these capabilities are dynamic - they are based on the cloud usage, location, etc. For example a location might not support lssd, but support magnetic disk option, or vise versa. If a feature is not supported or is disabled, it will disappear from the result of this call. Most entries are obvious limits on the guest or drive properties.


A list of available host types and their limitations.

cpu_per_smp:This gives a range of valid cpu values, per smp, for the given host type. For example, for AMD hosts, one CPU must be between 1000 and 2500MHz: a guest 2000MHz cpu and 2 smp has 1000MHz per smp and is valid, but a guest with 8000MHz cpu and 2 smp has a 4000MHz per smp is not.
hypervisors:A list of hypervisors and which hosts they are available on. More details on the hosts can be found in the in the hosts entry.
drives:A list of available drive types and their limitations. The values in max_size and min_size are deprecated and are identical to the nested ones in size.
snapshots:Information about the current and maximum number of snapshots allowed for the account. These are global, not per drive.
servers:This entry is deprecated and contains the same values for amd hosts.
GET /capabilities/
statuscode 200:no error

Example request:

GET /api/2.0/capabilities/?limit=0 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic SWYgeW91IGZvdW5kIHRoaXMsIGhhdmUgYSBjb29raWUsIHlvdSBkZXNlcnZlIGl0IDop


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "drives": {
        "dssd": {
            "max_size": 4391067795456,
            "min_size": 536870912
        "zadara": {
            "max_size": 5905580032000,
            "min_size": 1073741824
    "servers": {
        "cpu": {
            "max": 40000,
            "min": 250
        "cpu_per_smp": {
            "max": 2500,
            "min": 1000
        "mem": {
            "max": 68719476736,
            "min": 268435456
        "smp": {
            "max": 24,
            "min": 1
    "snapshots": {
        "current": 0,
        "max": 600