=================== Asynchronous server =================== Authentication -------------- In order to use the asynchronous server, you must first authenticate through the API. This will give you a cookie that is valid for 2 minutes and that has to be used when connecting to the server. :statuscode 200: no error **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http POST /2.0/accounts/action/?do=authenticate_asynchronous HTTP/1.1 Host: api.cloudsigma.com Accept: application/json Authorization: Basic dGVzdHVzZXJAY2xvdWRzaWdtYS5jb206dmJudmJu **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Set-Cookie: async_auth=YTlhZmMwYTctOWYzNi00ZmUzLThlYmUtMGZiOGZlODE0ZmQx|1356012032|f785e3d8083c7666209e54477652de0d057f0791; expires=Thu, 20-Dec-2012 14:02:32 GMT; Max-Age=120; Path=/ {} Using this cookie will allow you to connect to the server at /2.0/websocket Information ----------- The websocket server sends frames every time one of the following changes: * :doc:`subscriptions` * :doc:`drives` * :doc:`servers` * :doc:`networking` * :ref:`balance` * :doc:`profile` * :doc:`jobs` The frame is a JSON object that contains the following fields: * resource_type: A text field that describes the type of resource covered by the notification. * resource_uri: The URI of the resource that has changed. The JSON object might contain a 'object' key, that will contain the full blown resource referenced by the notification, JSON encoded.